One-to-One Personal LinkedIn Workshop

Megan 2024 02 06 110633 bvnz

Megan Farrow

5 minutes


No bullsh*t here, just mega results. LinkedIn is where it’s at these days. If you’re not already here building your personal brand then seriously where the hell have you been all this time? 🤣 It's where freelancers get opportunities, entrepreneurs snag deals, and companies recruit top talent. At co&co, we’re all about stripping down to the raw, real essentials of personal branding—no fluff, straight to the mega impact.

What the Fu*k is Personal Branding Anyway?

Let's break it down:

👉Personal Branding Defined: A term 100% created by a marketing person to overcomplicate something very simple. It’s about building a profile around an individual based on their values, skills, insights and tone of voice.

👉The Rise of the LinkedInfluencer: With the digital age in full swing, becoming a 'LinkedInfluencer' has become a thing. It’s those who’ve mastered the art of personal branding to not only gain massive followings but also influence in their fields.

Why Bother with Personal Branding?

Being another face in the crowd with a bland job title isn’t going to cut it anymore. All it takes is one scroll down your feed to see that the LinkedIn game has changed big time. Personal branding on LinkedIn isn’t just a trend; it’s the new norm, and it’s here to stay. Whether you're grafting your ar*e off for freelance work, pushing your startup, or pumping up your business’s employer brand, getting your LinkedIn right can mean the difference between being overlooked and being overbooked. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to LinkedIn, everyone has to start somewhere and we’re here to help you use LinkedIn effectively.

More Than Your Job Title

When it comes to creating your personal brand, remember that your job title doesn’t define you. It’s not who you are. Ask yourself this – what does the headline ‘Social Media Manager’ mean to you? Would it jump out at you when you’re scrolling? Probably not. And that’s because it’s lost in a sea of thousands. Our advice? Dump those generic titles. What else are you about? Are you a marketing lad who does stand-up comedy on the side? Or are you like Jordan who loves a Guinness? This sh*t matters. It’s how you build a loyal community as it breaks down the boring professional barriers and shows you’re a real person. It’s not just about work; it’s about connecting on a human level—because that’s the stuff people actually give a sh*t about. Notice how Jordan’s ‘Founder’ title is at the end? It’s her passions and personality that lead the conversation, not just her job title.

Guinness Jordan headline


We say it all the time, you have to be authentic. People find this really fu*king hard but it doesn’t need to be. It’s all about being yourself. You need to make sure your online persona matches who you are away from the screen. Let your real self show, and trust us, people are way more likely to engage with someone who’s genuine rather than a polished-up fake. It’s about making your quirks work for you, not hiding them under a shell. Take a look at how we show people who we are through our LinkedIn banners. It’s also worth noting that if someone were to view our profiles individually, the consistent branding makes it immediately clear that we're all part of the same team. This unity in presentation reinforces our collective identity and professional cohesion:

Visuals That Matter

We hammer in the importance of visuals. Your face, your banner, your headline, your content—they’re all part of your story. These aren’t just details; they make you instantly recognisable and unforgettable. That’s the kind of sh*t that sticks.

Jordan linkedin post slippers

This LinkedIn post shows Jordan just being her authentic self—slippers and all. Just goes to show she can have a laugh about the day-to-day stuff that some might find a bit embarrassing. If you ever met Jordan in the street (even in her slippers) you'd find she’s exactly as she presents herself on LinkedIn. That’s the point. It’s all about being yourself. It's just real life, and that's why it hits the mark.

How co&co Makes This Sh*t Work

Here's our game plan:

🖤 Tailored LinkedIn Training: We dive deep into what makes LinkedIn work for you, showing you how to tweak your profile from meh to sh*thot. We get into raising your LinkedIn profile, from your summary to the secrets behind the algorithms.

🖤 LinkedIn Management: Too slammed to keep your LinkedIn updated? No problem, we get it, you’re busy. Let us take the reins? Our team manages your profile, keeping your presence active, engaging and authentically you.

🖤 LinkedIn Workshops: Throw yourself into these sessions to not only meet new faces but also gain some invaluable insights into boosting your LinkedIn game. And hey, who knows? Attend, and you might just score your very own co&co tote bag to take home 😉.

Expect Nothing Less Than Mega. We promise results, not just attempts. We measure success in tangible wins: more views, more messages, more opportunities knocking at your door. And yes, we have the success stories to back this up.

Linked In Masterclass March 2024 2

Cut the Bullsh*t, Boost Your Brand

Done with being just another LinkedIn lurker? Let’s spice up your profile to show the real, sh*thot professional you are 🌶️. No bullsh*t, just pure, you. LinkedIn can be used for literally anything, whether that’s using it for business development, networking, or if you’re a freelancer or entrepreneur, get the ball moving.

Hit us up, and let’s sort that LinkedIn profile now.

Let’s f*cking do this. Let’s work together.

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