Unearthing Opportunities with Marketing Strategy Audits

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Jordan Stachini

5 minutes


Anyone who works in marketing knows the grind is relentless. It's the kind of place where today's big idea can quickly become tomorrow's old news. It’s exactly this pace that can make it so easy to lose sight of why you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place. That's where a strategy audit steps in.

You could be running multiple campaigns across various channels – whether that's posting sh*tloads of content on social media, buying up ad space, or tirelessly updating your blog. But when was the last time you stopped to check if all this effort aligns with your ultimate business goals? Are you just doing things because that’s just how they’ve always been done? A strategy audit slices through this routine, pausing to assess the effectiveness of each moving part.

At co&co, we leverage audits not as a tick-box exercise but as a recalibration tool to realign your strategies with your objectives. We dissect what’s working, ditch what isn’t, and discover opportunities you might not even realise you’re missing. Let's get into it then.

Strategy audit marketing board

Why Regular Audits Are Essential

Think of regular strategy audits as your business's reality check. They keep your strategies sharp and your executions sharper. Without them, you might just be recycling strategies that no longer serve you or you might be missing out on mega opportunities. The potential of marketing strategy audits are immense. At co&co, we tear down the facades and reveal the guts of your strategy—what’s driving your ROI and what’s just eating up your budget with little return. It’s about continuous improvement, spotting risks before they become problems, and going for opportunities at the right moment.

Business plan strategy

Common Gaps Found During Strategy Audits

During our audits, we often uncover common yet clear gaps that many businesses overlook. These might include misalignment between business objectives and marketing efforts, poor budget allocation, or ineffective use of marketing channels. Sometimes, it's a brand’s messaging that isn’t resonating with its intended audience, or perhaps it’s an over-reliance on outdated techniques that are no longer yielding results. We identify these gaps not to point fingers but to pave the way for a more effective strategy that’s aligned with your current business landscape and future ambitions.

Case Study: Addressing Gaps – Beech Holdings

A strategy audit was a game changer for our client Beech Holdings. By shifting to a proactive marketing strategy and focusing on measurable KPIs, the audit contributed to a significant reduction in the cost per sale—achieving less than 50% of the market average. The realignment and optimisation of their marketing strategies not only improved operational efficiency but also enhanced lead generation and brand awareness. During the strategy audit, we identified several significant gaps in their marketing and operational strategies:

👉Proactive vs. Reactive Marketing: Initially, their marketing approach was reactive, lacking a clear, proactive strategy for generating leads and increasing brand visibility.

👉Undefined Roles: There was a absence of clearly defined roles and responsibilities within the marketing team, which led to inefficiencies and confusion.

👉Underutilisation of Marketing Channels: Their marketing efforts were hampered by limited use of available channels, mainly due to a lack of resources and understanding.

👉Low Brand Awareness: The company struggled with low brand recognition among potential customers and within the competitive landscape.

👉Lack of Strategic Budgeting: There was no formal marketing budget aligned with sales targets, which made financial planning and measurement of marketing effectiveness difficult.

👉Internal Communication Barriers: The broader business was not well-informed about the marketing team's role and activities, leading to misunderstandings and a lack of collaborative effort across departments.

Addressing these gaps was essential for Beech Holdings to enhance their market position and operational efficiency. We stepped in to make sure they nailed it, and well they did – the results speak for themselves.


Optimising Plans Post-Audit for Greater Impact

Post-audit, it’s all about action. We don’t just hand over a list of issues and call it a day. We give you a roadmap to move forward and provide a clear set of recommendations tailored to bridge the gaps we’ve identified. This might involve reallocating your budget to more effective channels, tweaking your messaging to better meet market demands, or enhancing your digital presence to boost engagement. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed about implementing these changes, don’t sweat it. co&co can steer the ship, from strategy formulation right through to execution.

Strategy audit group huddle

The Benefits of a Strategy Audit

A fresh perspective is something anyone can benefit from, especially when you’re too close to the project to see it objectively. A comprehensive audit provides that perspective, backed by data, allowing you to make informed decisions rather than shots in the dark. Additionally, the process can inspire your team, providing new goals and renewed focus. Think of the benefits:

✔️Fresh Perspective

✔️Data-Driven Decisions

✔️Renewed Focus

✔️Inspiration for the Team

✔️Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses

✔️Enhanced ROI

✔️Strategic Long-Term Planning


Why Trust Us With Your Strategy Audit?

✔️Experience and Expertise: With over 20 years of experience crafting ROI-focused marketing strategies across a spectrum of industries, we know what success looks like.

✔️No-Nonsense Approach: We live by our ‘no fluff, no bullsh*t’ philosophy. This means no jargon, no wasted time—just straight, honest advice. We say it how it is. If your current strategy is sh*t, we’ll tell you.

✔️Commitment to Results: We don’t just set strategies; we deliver them. We build our plans around your commercial objectives, with a dedicated team member by your side every step of the way to ensure you’re never going it alone.

At co&co, we don’t gamble with your marketing—we measure, we refine, and we execute. Ready to see what you’re really capable of? Let’s work together.

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