Managing In-House Marketing Teams Effectively


Jordan Stachini

7 minutes


Without your team, you're basically nothing. Any founder worth their salt knows it's not a one-man show; it’s all about the hard graft your team puts in behind the scenes. Think about those guys in the kitchen of a busy restaurant or the tech team behind the latest app —without these teams, the head chefs and visionary founders would just be individuals with good ideas.

Take someone like Richard Branson. He’s the face of Virgin, yes, but he's always the first to say it's his team that keeps it running. He didn’t build an empire by going solo; he did it by ensuring his team was as ambitious as he was, and then has given them the reins to keep moving forward. That’s the power of a good team, and with the right leadership, good can turn into great.

Managing your in-house team effectively is not just important, it’s can be the thing that makes or breaks you. But if the right skillset isn’t already in-house, who steps up? Outsourcing the senior leadership of your in-house marketing team might be your answer. Enter co&co, your no fluff, no bullsh*t answer to on-point marketing leadership without the eye-watering cost. We’re here to steer your crew, turning strong teams into extraordinary ones.

The Importance of Team Management

Team management means investing in your employees. If you want the best, then you need to put your hands in your pockets and really commit to supporting your team. This investment goes beyond salaries and benefits—it's about creating an environment where everyone can thrive. The benefits?

🖤 Boosts Employee Engagement: Effective team management ensures that every member feels valued and understood. This increases overall job satisfaction and commitment. When your employees are happy, you get more out of them, trust us. You’ll reduce turnover rates massively.

🖤 Enhances Productivity: When teams are managed well, clear goals are set and resources are allocated efficiently. Well-led teams know what is expected of them and have the tools they need to succeed.

🖤 Improves Communication: Strong team management is all about tearing down the office walls and opening up proper lines of communication. We’re talking about transparent, communication where everyone’s on the same page and nobody’s worried about speaking their mind.

🖤 Innovation: When your team knows you've got their back, they’re more likely to step outside the box and chase those breakthrough ideas.

🖤 Strengthens Problem-Solving: By arming your team with the right strategies and skills, you're setting them up to tackle challenges head-on.

🖤 Supports Personal Development: Cracking team management goes beyond just hitting targets; it’s about pushing each team member to level up. At co&co, we’re big on personal development because we know that when your team grows, your business does too.

🖤 Increases Adaptability: Solid team management doesn't just keep the machine running; it makes sure that machine can switch gears on the fly. At co&co, we equip your team to be adaptable as fu*k, ready to tackle changes from market shifts to the latest tech upheaval.

In house marketing

Building Trust and Rapport

Trust and rapport aren’t built overnight, but they’re the foundation of any team that punches above its weight. When trust and rapport are strong, team members feel secure in their roles and confident to express ideas and concerns. Your team feels safe enough to throw ideas around, call out issues, and push boundaries without fear of falling flat.

Trust is more than just expecting people to do their jobs; it’s about knowing they’ve got your back, and you’ve got theirs, through every challenge and success. Rapport goes beyond occasional team-building activities. It’s built day in, day out, through working closely, handling the tough stuff, and having a laugh along the way. Effective management means embedding these principles into every aspect of team dynamics. From the structured regularity of 1-1s and performance reviews to the everyday banter that keeps things light, every interaction is a building block towards a mega team ethos.

At co&co, we collaborate with in-house marketing teams and get stuck in from day one, managing your team like we birthed it. Whether we’re side-by-side in your office, coordinating hybrid, or keeping the engine running remotely, we speak your language. Monthly 1-1s, performance reviews, appraisals—we handle it all. No fluff, just relentless focus on getting your team aligned and amped to deliver.

Marketing team in house

Ensuring Clear Communication and Accountability

If you haven’t got clear communication with your team, then sorry but what the fu*k are you even doing? Communication isn’t just about blasting emails or ticking off boxes in a project management tool. It’s about ensuring everyone’s on the same page, and if they’re not, you’ve got a problem. Get your team into a room, virtual or not, and hash it out. Encourage open dialogue, foster an environment where people feel safe to speak their minds without fear of backlash. Implement regular check-ins, not just to update on progress but to actively engage everyone. And remember, if you’re not facilitating transparency and promoting a culture of honest communication, then you're just steering the ship blindfolded. Get it together and make sure your team’s voices are not just heard, but valued.

If you need a little help, hand it over to co&co. We establish rock-solid channels of communication that cut through the noise, ensuring everyone is on the same page, all the time. We set up systems that track who's doing what, by when, making accountability a no-brainer. No passing the responsibility, no dropping the ball. Everyone owns their piece of the puzzle, and everyone knows exactly how that piece fits into the bigger picture. With co&co, you get a team that not only understands their roles but also knocks them out of the park, time and time again. We can help you in leading your team, strategy and day-to-day management of your marketing activity.

In house marketing team

Outsourcing – The Smart Play

Outsourcing your team management to co&co doesn’t just add a marketing director-level role to your roster; it does so without the financial sting of a permanent high-salary commitment. This solution means you have top-tier expertise on tap—ready to help you when you need it and dial back when you don’t. It’s dynamic, it’s cost-effective, and it’s tailored exactly to your needs.

Let’s look at it in action with a case study. For Beech Holdings, co&co implemented several strategic measures to improve team management and overall marketing function:

👉Provided long-term, high-level support akin to a Marketing Director.

👉Redefined roles within the marketing team to enhance clarity and responsibility.

👉Re-educated the company about the marketing team's role, enhancing internal understanding and cooperation.

👉Created a detailed, KPI-driven marketing plan with a well-defined budget for 12 months.

👉Established regular KPI tracking to fine-tune strategies effectively.

👉Collaborated with the design team to produce high-quality sales materials.

👉Developed a robust internal communication plan to keep all employees informed and engaged.

… and the entire workforce now feels involved in the future of the business. A completely different team that generates measurable impacts on the bottom line. No more sidelines; everyone’s in the game, making real plays that count.


Learning and Growing Together

Choosing to outsource with us isn’t just a temporary fix; it’s a learning investment. Before you ever think about recruiting full-time, you get a clear, concrete picture of what works. We’re talking about real-time insights into effective management styles and strategies that fit your unique environment. You gain understanding, capacity, and performance data that can save you a heap of time and money when you’re ready to expand permanently.

At co&co, it’s about building around your commercial objectives, crafting bespoke plans, and smashing targets, all while keeping you looped in every step of the way.

So, if you’re looking to manage your marketing team, let’s talk. It’s time to stop playing and start pushing the boundaries of what your marketing can achieve. Let’s work together.

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