The Symbiotic Relationship Between Strategy Audits and ROI


Jordan Stachini

6 minutes


A strategy audit isn’t just a routine check-up; it’s a full check-up of your marketing game. It’s about digging into every part of your strategy to find out what’s firing on all cylinders and what’s just burning cash. These audits are where you get the raw data that show you where every bit of dollar is going and what it’s bringing back.

Now, the relationship with ROI? Every insight gained from a strategy audit is a potential opportunity for boosting your ROI. When you understand exactly what parts of your marketing strategy are working, you can amplify them to maximise returns. In the same way, identifying the dead weight early allows you to cut losses and reallocate resources to more profitable initiatives.

It’s symbiotic because one feeds into the other. Regular strategic audits fine-tune your marketing efforts, ensuring that they're as effective as possible. This leads to improved ROI because you’re constantly adapting and enhancing your approach based on solid data, not guesswork. You’re making every decision, every campaign, and every pound spent as efficient as possible.

In this relationship, strategy audits are the brains, providing the insights and guidance, while ROI is the force delivering the financial impact. Together, they work to ensure your marketing isn’t just active but actually impactful, driving your business towards greater profitability. So, don’t just spend on marketing—invest in it, measure it, audit it, and watch as the ROI follows.

Roi discussion

Why Regular Audits are ROI Enhancers

Regular audits of your marketing strategy, with ROI at the core, are mega when it comes to maximising returns. What does an audit do? It tears apart your current strategy and examines the guts—what you're doing, where your money's going, and how your brand is stacking up in the industry. By systematically evaluating your ROI-driven marketing efforts, you gain a clear picture of what’s working and what’s not. This process allows you to eliminate wasteful spending and optimise campaigns that show real promise. Essentially, it’s about reallocating your resources more effectively. The data and insights derived from these audits provide a roadmap for smarter investment decisions, ensuring that every pound you put into your marketing has the potential to generate a higher return. It’s not just about spending money on marketing—it's about investing it wisely.

But why does this matter? Because without this hardcore scrutiny, you’re probably not going to get anywhere. Regular audits highlight what's banging and what’s not. It's about amplifying what works and axing what doesn’t. With every audit, you're not just gaining insights; you're setting the stage to make more money. But ROI isn’t always about making money. We always say all sales are conversions but not all conversions are sales. And what we mean by this is that ROI can be measured by how many content downloads, event sign-ups, newsletter subscriptions, or social media interactions you achieve, all of which are valuable for your brand. Make sure to keep this in mind, it ain’t always about the dollar.


A Structured Approach to Marketing Audits

Here’s how we do it at co&co: we don’t just skim through your plans. We go deep. A structured audit with us means looking at every channel, every campaign, and every penny spent. We check alignment—does your strategy actually match your business goals or are you just shooting where there’s no target? A structured audit isn't just a casual once-over. It’s a full-on dissection of your marketing efforts, examining every aspect from spend to outcome, channel efficiency to campaign impact. We’re talking about a methodical review that leaves no stone unturned and no bullsh*t excuses on the table. It looks a bit like this 👇:

👉Comprehensive Channel Review: We assess every marketing channel you’re using. From social media to SEO, PPC to partnerships, we dissect each one to gauge effectiveness and efficiency.

👉Campaign Evaluation: Every campaign gets put under the microscope. We're not just looking at what you're broadcasting, but how it's performing against your goals. Is it hitting the mark or missing wildly?

👉Financial Scrutiny: We track every penny. This isn’t about judging your spend; it's about ensuring that your investment is working as hard as you are. If your budget is leaking into black holes, we’ll spot it and stop it.

👉Alignment Check: Does your strategy align with your business objectives? We make sure that your marketing efforts are not just activities but strategic moves that lead to real business outcomes.

👉Audience Alignment: Are you talking to the right people? We use data to ensure your target audience is precise, because even the best campaigns can fail if they’re aimed at the wrong crowd.

👉Ruthless Feedback: If your current strategy isn’t cutting it, expect us to be blunt. No sugar-coating. But if something is working really well, we’ll identify and amplify it.

👉Actionable Insights: With our rigorous auditing process, backed by over two decades of expertise, we don’t just provide insights—we offer clear, actionable steps that are designed to boost your ROI substantially.

In short, a structured approach to marketing audits means getting your strategy laid bare, understanding exactly what’s working. No drama, no delays. If your current strategy is sh*t, we’ll tell you straight. Find something in your strategy that’s mega? We’ll help you double down. The process is thorough and backed by over two decades of doing this kind of heavy lifting. We're here to strip back the layers, reveal the raw data, and provide actionable insights that drive real, tangible ROI.

Roi and strategy audit

Turning Audit Insights into ROI Boosting Actions

Once we’ve torn your strategy apart and laid it bare, the real fun begins. Turning those insights into action is where the magic happens. We don’t just hand over a report and bounce. We stick around to help craft a mega plan. What to start, stop, or continue? We’ve got you covered.

Our roadmap doesn’t just highlight the good, the bad, and the ugly; it lays out a step-by-step plan for ramping up your ROI. Whether it’s refining target audiences, adjusting channels, or scaling what works, we’re here to guide the charge. And trust us, we’re all about the follow-through.


Why Trust Us With Your Strategy Audit?

🖤 Experience from Both Sides: We’ve seen it all, both in-house and agency side. We know the pressures and the constraints. We bring that insider knowledge to every audit.

🖤 Long-Standing Expertise: With over two decades of delivering hard-hitting results across the globe, we’ve seen what works and what flops.

🖤 Straight Talking: We live by our ‘no fluff, no bull’ mantra. We don’t waste your time with jargon or pat ourselves on the back. We deliver, and we do it bluntly.

🖤 Data-Driven Decisions: If you’re not measuring, you're gambling. We base every recommendation on solid data and proven methods. We’re about ROI, not ‘maybe’s’.

🖤Dedicated Support: With co&co, you’re never on your own. You get a dedicated team member to work alongside you, ensuring the strategy is executed with precision.

Regular audits are your best bet at making sure every move you make is calculated and every pound spent is a pound invested. Don't waste another day guessing—let's get your marketing strategy audited by the pros who don’t mess around. Ready to boost your ROI? Let's f*cking do this. Wanna work together?

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