Strategising Marketing for Tangible Returns

Marketing team laptops

Jordan Stachini

5 minutes


Marketing isn't just about throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks; it demands skill and a mind that knows a thing or two about the value of a quid. This means you need a solid grip on your finances, an instinct for balancing quick wins against the long haul, and a marketing plan for where to throw your cash. This article isn't just fluff—it's your guide to making sure your marketing game pays off, big time. The co&co way.

Incorporating Financial Projections in Plans

Starting your marketing strategy with precise financial projections is key. These projections are the backbone of your strategy, helping you forecast revenues. By throwing these numbers into your marketing plan, you're setting yourself up for some real, measurable success.

Analyse past campaigns: Start by tearing apart your past marketing campaigns—what was the good, bad, and the ugly? This is what will help to inform your future marketing strategy.

Align insights with goals: Determine specific targets. It might be that you want to increase revenue by 20% next year or to increase overall website traffic by 25%. Whatever it is, ensure that each goal is backed by actionable strategies to monitor progress and adjust tactics as needed to stay on track.

Expand your ROI view: At co&co, we know all sales are conversions, but not all conversions are sales. When we talk ROI, we're looking beyond the cash return from your spending. True ROI measures include conversions like content downloads, event sign-ups, and even social media engagement—all necessary for building your brand. So, don't let the dollar signs cloud your judgement. Not all conversions are immediate sales, but they’re stepping stones towards eventual financial gains.

Maintain and adjust projections: Don’t just set and forget your projections. Tend to them. Use ROI calculators and real-time performance metrics to keep sharpening your strategies.

By plugging solid financial foresight into your marketing operations, we guarantee you're not just burning money—you're investing it for returns.


Short vs Long Term: Balancing Your Marketing Bets

Striking the right balance between quick wins and long-term wins is hard, but essential for marketers. Short-term tactics like ads or sales might rake in some fast cash, but don't bet on them for building customer ties. We use data-driven insights to decide where to go hard and where to play it safe, ensuring we’re not just chasing fleeting trends. It's the long-term marketing strategy that creates loyalty and truly builds your brand.

Developing a Portfolio Approach

Adopt a portfolio approach similar to how investors manage their assets. Marketers should diversify their strategies to balance risk and reward:

👉 Short-term Tactics: Allocate a portion of your budget to experimental, high-return tactics that could deliver quick results.

👉 Long-term Investments: Channel resources into proven strategies and established channels that promise gradual but consistent growth.

Monitoring and Adapting

Maintain a clear oversight of both strategic fronts:

👉 Analytics: Utilise analytics to monitor the effectiveness of your strategies, identifying what works and what doesn’t.

👉 Pivot and Optimise: This data-driven insight enables you to pivot quickly, capitalise on successful tactics, and minimise wasteful spending, boosting your overall marketing efficiency.

Budgeting marketing

How to Effectively Allocate Your Marketing Budget

A marketing plan lays out your moves—how you're gonna stand out, where you’ll show up, how you'll spend your cash, what winning looks like, and how you’ll track your success. You need this blueprint to nail your campaigns and pull off some major wins.

Marketing Strategy Audit

When it comes to budgeting, here’s where people tend to mess up—splashing cash in all the wrong places. This is where a strategy audit will save your ar*e. A marketing strategy audit involves a thorough review of your marketing efforts to assess their effectiveness and alignment with your business goals. It's like a health check for your marketing plan, identifying where you're wasting money and where you could invest more for better returns. It’s worth having regular strategy audits to keep your strategy on track.

Effective Budget Allocation

Effective budget allocation is key when it comes to maximising the return on your marketing investments. Allocating your marketing budget isn’t about spreading it thin. It’s about pumping money into projects that show real promise. We meticulously manage the budget, strategically investing in both established successes and promising new initiatives, all with a focus on maximising your ROI.

Strategic Channel Investment

Break down your budget across the different marketing channels available to you. Consider your target audience and the channels they use. For example, if your audience is mostly active on social media, it makes sense to allocate a larger portion of your budget to these platforms. But that doesn’t mean you should neglect traditional media, especially if part of your demographic still values it.

Budget for Innovation

It’s also important to set aside a part of your budget for new trials. Marketing is always changing, and what works today might not work tomorrow. By allocating funds for experimentation, you ensure that your strategies stay fresh and relevant.

Regular Budget Review

Make sure to review your budget allocation regularly. You want a marketing plan that will stand the test of time. Marketing is highly responsive to external factors like economic shifts, competitor actions, and consumer behaviour changes. Regular reviews help you stay on top of these changes and reallocate funds as necessary to ensure that every dollar spent is optimised for the best possible return. And if you need a little help with this, don’t be shy, it’s what we’re here for at co&co.


At co&co, we’re good at cutting through the bullsh*t to focus on what really matters—strategic, data-backed decisions that won’t just save you a dollar or two but will amplify your investment into success. Remember, if you're not measuring, you aren’t marketing. You're gambling. Don’t let that be you. We build our strategies around your commercial objectives. Big or small, we lay it all out—what we’re doing, how we’ll do it, and how we’ll show you the money. With us, you’re never on your own; we got you. So, you ready to have a chat with us?

Let’s work together.

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