Redefining ROI: Beyond Just Sales

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Jordan Stachini

8 minutes


When we talk about ROI, we're not just counting the coins. Yes, making bank is important. But it's time to focus in on some insights that stretch way beyond money. Here at co&co, we're spilling the tea on ROI beyond sales. All sales are conversions, but not all conversions are sales. This is something you need to tap into if you’re not already. Yeah, we all love a bit of money, but don’t make it the only priority in your marketing strategy. Sometimes the best strategies are about more than just dollars.


The Benefits of Marketing Campaigns

Let’s break down the real impact of our marketing campaigns. At co&co, we don’t just aim for immediate results; we build strategies that deliver measurable impacts and set the stage for sustained growth. Our campaigns are designed not just to meet but to exceed the benchmarks we set—here’s how we make it happen:

Long-Term Value Over Immediate Gratification

While traditional ROI metrics cling to sales, we push the boundaries to appreciate the broader impacts. A sh*thot campaign doesn’t just spike your sales stats temporarily; it works towards continual growth. So it might be that; increasing downloads, event sign-ups, and web traffic today sets you up for a decent profit down the road. It’s about building a foundation that doesn’t just collapse once the promo ends.

Beyond the Dollar Signs

Now we need to talk about impact. It’s not only about the cash that rolls in. Our strategies focus on creating a brand presence that sticks. When your brand becomes a part of daily conversations, when it's recognised on streets, that’s the ROI we’re chasing. Each campaign boosts your brand’s visibility, cements its value, and deepens customer loyalty.

Measuring What Matters

How do we measure it? Not just through traditional means. We look at engagement levels, website traffic, social shares, brand mentions, and customer feedback loops. Each of these elements tells a story, not just of the campaign’s immediate success, but of its ongoing influence.

Strategic Spending with an Eye on the Future

Allocating budgets to where they make the most significant impact doesn't just maximise current resources—it sets the stage for future gains. It’s about spending smart now and reaping the benefits later, ensuring that every bit of money spent is an investment in your brand’s future.

So, if you're tired of the same old ROI way, it’s time to change it. Let’s create marketing campaigns that deliver more than just immediate sales—let’s aim for lasting influence and sustained growth. With co&co, it’s not just about being seen; it’s about being remembered. Let’s make your brand the one that lasts long after the campaign ends.

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Measuring ROI in Brand Equity and Recognition

Brand equity is essentially the value and power of your brand in the marketplace. It's all about the impact your brand has—how recognisable it is, how much trust it commands, and the loyalty it inspires among customers. This influence is key, and it's about time we start measuring it accurately to really understand its full effect. Here are some ROI metrics: 




Qualitative Metrics

Brand Sentiment Analysis

What are people saying about you? Analyse customer feedback, reviews, and social media comments to understand the emotional response—positive or negative—toward your brand.

Customer Surveys

Conduct surveys to directly engage with customers, understanding their perceptions and expectations, and identifying areas for improvement.

Social Media Monitoring

Actively track mentions, hashtags, and conversations across social platforms to get a real-time sense of your brand's public image and engagement levels.

Quantitative Metrics

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Measure the likelihood of customers recommending your brand to others. A higher NPS indicates better customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Calculate the total expected revenue from a customer over the course of their relationship with your brand. Higher CLV suggests stronger brand value.

Brand Loyalty Metrics

Assess customer retention by tracking repeat purchase rates and subscription renewals, providing insights into how well your brand maintains its customer base.

Importance of Brand Recognition

Brand recognition is about making sure when customers see your logo, they don't just recognise it; they feel something. The more they recognise and react positively to your branding, the more tangible value you're adding to your business.

Steps to Measure ROI in Brand Equity:

👉 Pinpoint what makes your brand the sh*t. Identify the unique elements that make your brand stand out.

👉 Gather your data—both the chatter and the stats. Collect insights from qualitative and quantitative methods to get a full picture.

👉 Make sense of it all and link it back to ROI. Use the data to see how brand equity and recognition contribute to your bottom line.

Remember, if you're not measuring, you’re just gambling. Properly tracking the ROI from your brand equity and recognition ensures that you're making informed decisions to take your brand forward.

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Case Study: Brands that Grew Beyond Direct ROI

Here’s a brand we’re a bit obsessed with – Gymshark. They’ve smashed it and gone way beyond just direct ROI by creating a brand built on community, innovation, and mega marketing. We don’t think you can get a better example than Gymshark. Here’s how they did it:

🖤 Community Building:

👉 Influencer Partnerships: Gymshark leveraged the power of social media influencers early on. By partnering with fitness enthusiasts who shared their ethos, they reached a broad audience that valued authenticity. These partnerships helped create a loyal community that felt more like a family than customers.

👉 Engagement: They didn’t just sell products; they created an interactive community through challenges, meet-ups, and social media engagement. This approach turned customers into brand advocates.

👉 Commitment to Diversity and Representation: Gymshark sets a benchmark in diversity and representation, not just in their influencer partnerships but throughout their branding and product presentation. This commitment extends to featuring mannequins that represent a wide range of physical diversities, actively celebrating all body types, genders, and abilities within their community. Their dedication to inclusivity not only strengthens community ties but also positions Gymshark as a leader in ethical and socially conscious marketing.

🖤 Brand Loyalty:

👉 Exclusive Releases: Gymshark has utilised the strategy of limited edition releases and exclusive collections, which creates a buzz and a sense of urgency among its customer base.

👉 Brand Values Alignment: Customers love brands that share their values. Gymshark’s commitment to inclusivity and body positivity resonates with a broad audience, strengthening customer loyalty.

🖤 Content Marketing:

👉 Educational and Inspirational Content: They produce lots of high-quality, valuable content ranging from workout guides to nutrition advice, which not only helps their community but also positions Gymshark as an authority in the fitness space.

👉 High Engagement on Social Media: With a strong presence on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, Gymshark consistently engages with followers, creating an ongoing conversation that keeps the brand top-of-mind.

🖤Innovative Practices:

👉 Pop-Up Events: Gymshark’s pop-up events around the world have been a huge success, turning the online experience into real-world hype that strengthens the community feel.

👉 Sustainability Initiatives: Acknowledging the importance of sustainability in apparel, Gymshark has started making strides in reducing their environmental impact, which appeals to environmentally conscious consumers.

🖤 Exceptional Customer Experience:

👉 Seamless Online Experience: Gymshark provides a fresh, user-friendly online shopping experience, which includes fast shipping, easy returns, and excellent customer service. This commitment to customer satisfaction helps in repeat purchases and word-of-mouth referrals.

👉 In-Store Experience: Who's bold enough to take a thriving online retail business to the high street these days, with all the massive overheads that come with it? Gymshark, that’s who. Their Regent Street store isn't just a shop; it's an experience. Chances are you'll buy something when you step inside. But buying isn’t the only thing you’ll do there. The shop adds immense value to the community, turning a simple shopping trip into a memorable event.

Through these strategies, Gymshark has not only boosted its sales but also built a robust brand equity that delivers far beyond direct financial ROI, creating deep emotional connections and a loyal community that fuels continuous growth and expansion.

When it comes to crafting a marketing plan with ROI at the core, it's all about leveraging every facet of your brand’s potential. Redefining ROI isn't about tossing out the old playbook; it's about writing a new one that recognises the power of a brand’s soul. If you’re ready to stop playing small and start thinking big picture, give us a shout at co&co. Let's get your brand the recognition it deserves and the ROI that blows those old metrics out of the water. And don’t sweat the cash flow—focus on the big moves, and the money? It'll follow.

Go on then – Let’s work together.

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