Principles of Project Management in Marketing

Project management meeting room

Jordan Stachini

7 minutes


Project management is the glue that holds everything together. It's what prevents projects from spiralling, ensures deadlines are met, and guarantees that your vision doesn't just stay on paper—it comes to life. At co&co, we specialise in steering projects to success. Managing deadlines and deliverables involves more than just hard work—it requires a strategic approach that works. That’s where we come in. Whether you’re stretched thin on time, short on expertise, or lack the necessary resources, co&co is here to take the burden off your shoulders. Let us handle the complexities so you can focus on what you do best.

Whether it’s a new website, creating assets, hiring people, or whatever else is on your plate, we’ll jump in, figure out what you want to achieve, and work as if we’re part of your team to get sh*t done. Join us as we break down the fundamental principles of project management in marketing that keeps our clients ahead of the curve.

The Overlaps: Marketing and Traditional Project Management

Here’s the deal: marketing and traditional project management aren’t as different as you might think. In both, you’ve got to juggle a lot of moving parts, deal with tight deadlines, and keep everyone on track to deliver results. It might be that you're launching a campaign or building a brand-new website – it’s all about planning, execution, and making sure the right people are in the right place at the right time.

Clear Goals, Same Focus

Whether you’re running a marketing campaign or managing a traditional project, the first step is the same—setting clear, laser-focused goals. In traditional project management, it’s all about milestones and objectives. In marketing, an effective marketing plan might involve targeting your audience, boosting brand awareness, or driving conversions. No matter what, you need to know what you’re working towards. We make sure you’ve got a solid target in sight from the get-go.

Planning: Roadmap to Success

If the plan’s a mess, the result will be too. Both marketing and traditional project management require a roadmap. In traditional project management, it’s about workflows, tasks, and deadlines. In marketing, it’s about strategies, campaigns, and timelines. At co&co, we map it all out so there’s no room for fluff or confusion, just a straight path to getting the job done.

People Management

When you’re managing a team, it’s all about getting the right people doing what they do best, exactly when it’s needed. And if you don’t have the in-house leadership to pull it all together, we can step in and take over. You can outsource the senior management of your marketing team to us, letting one of our experts step in and take the reins. We’ll lead the charge on your strategy and day-to-day operations, without adding a massive hit to your payroll. It’s about keeping things running smoothly, making sure no one's dropping the ball, and they’re getting the job done right. We’ve got the experience to juggle it all, so you don’t have to.

Budgets and Timelines: No Winging It

Marketing isn’t a free-for-all, and neither is traditional project management. Both have tight budgets and deadlines, and someone has to make sure you’re not blowing through the dollar either. You need someone who can say “no” to pointless ideas, keep the spending in check, and ensure every penny and hour is well spent.

Same Game, Different Field

At the end of the day, marketing and traditional project management are playing by the same rules: clear goals, solid planning, smart people management, strict timelines and budgets. It’s all about results, and at co&co, we deliver.

Marketing team gathering round

Essential Tools for Marketing Project Managers

Here are some tools you might find useful for project management. We have our own strategy in place that works for us so we don’t actually use all of these. But here’s a few tips for you:

✔️ Task Management: Google Sheets isn’t just for budgeting your beer money. Use it to keep track of everything, from tasks to timelines.

✔️ Communication: Platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams helps to make sure it keeps everyone on the same page.

✔️ Time Management: Monday, Clockify—because missing deadlines is a major no-no.

✔️ File Sharing: Google Drive, Dropbox. Keep your sh*t together and accessible.

✔️ Budget Management: QuickBooks isn't just for accountants. Even a marketing pro needs to keep the numbers straight.

The co&co Way of Project Management

Who are we at co&co and how do we work? We've tossed the traditional project management playbook out the window and cooked up our own. Here’s how we break it down:

Customised Client Trackers

Each of our clients gets their very own individual tracker. This isn't your average spreadsheet; it’s a tool that's constantly updated and includes everything from the mundane to the key:

👉 Tasks: Every little action item is tracked here. Nothing slips through the cracks, not on our watch.

👉 Logins: All essential access info in one place, because who has time to forget passwords?

👉 Key Contacts: Need to get in touch with someone? Forget digging through emails; it’s all here.

👉 Marketing Plan: We map out everything from brand awareness campaigns to lead generation efforts.

👉 Calendar of Activity: Every deadline, meeting, and milestone is marked. Missed deadlines are a no-go.

👉 Budgets: Every penny is accounted for, ensuring we stay on track without breaking the bank.

👉 Feedback Trackers: We gather input and move fast.

We use these trackers not just for one-off projects but for retainer clients too, making them living, breathing documents that evolve with the project. Every client also shares a folder with us where we store everything from brand assets to meeting agendas. We insist on weekly meetings, ranging from 1 to 3 hours, tailored to the project's scope. This keeps everyone aligned and accountable, whether it's a fleeting project or an ongoing retainer.

Each client is paired with at least one senior and one junior team member from co&co. This ensures a blend of experience and fresh energy driving their projects forward. And Jordan oversees it all, making sure our teams maintain our no-bullsh*t, high-energy approach across the board.

It’s good to note we don’t differentiate between project and retainer clients. Everyone gets the full co&co treatment. This method isn’t just about getting sh*t done—it’s about making sure what gets done is mega and takes names. We’re here to push boundaries, challenge norms, and deliver results that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations. That's project management, the co&co way.


Overcoming Common Challenges in Marketing Projects

Challenges? They’re as common as a cold in England, but here’s how we cope:

👉 Client Expectations & Market Changes: Markets shift fast so you’ve got to keep up. We stay alert, keeping our strategies flexible and ready to adapt at a moment’s notice to keep up with any shifts or client demands.

👉 Creative Feedback Loops: Got an idea? Throw it in the mix. Yeah, we loop everyone in. We make sure to include everyone in the conversation, encouraging a flow of feedback that’s both constant and constructive. This means that everyone’s always on the same page.

👉 Resource Reallocation: Keeping an eye on resources and adjusting them efficiently is key to staying on top of the game. We’re quick to redirect resources wherever they’re needed most to ensure no part of the project lags.

👉 Communication Gaps: Clear and frequent communication is key. We make it a priority to keep everyone updated and in sync by making sure all team members are clear on the project’s direction and status.

Project management boardroom 1

It’s about developing a marketing plan that stands the test of time. At the end of the day, we make sure your marketing drives not just visibility, but real, measurable impact. Outsource and streamline your marketing projects to us, and while we sweat the small stuff, you’ll enjoy the big wins—saving time, money, and sanity.

So, now you’ve got a sh*tload of tools, strategies, and a no-bullsh*t guide to marketing project management. Hit us up, and let’s show you how it’s done. Let’s work together.

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